Tokyo, Hokkaido, Takayama, Kanazawa, Kyoto, Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, Milan, Nice, Monaco, Paris, Moracco, Prague, London, Edinburgh, Shanghai, Beijing (these two were during business trips)...
I never felt lonely when I was on my way before. So enjoyable I could go wherever I liked without consulting anyone. No complaints, no compromise, no nothing. Walked, listened to my music, looked at the faces that might only appear in my life once. Took pictures like postcards, most of them without my face. It may be a disadvantage in the others' eyes but that's fine for me as I don't like to take pictures of myself anyway.
During one of the trips, I hadn't talked to anyone for more than 20 days. That's a record. Not feeling bad at all. I remember that feeling when I've been staying home for a week now. Somehow traveling is a touch with the planet by your own self. Even you have a company, your feeling should be different from anyone else. That's what I think. Or up to now, I still have no one to accompany me to visit this lonely planet.
重回布拉格記憶中的古城 紅磚路的咖啡店 繁忙依舊卻已不見你蹤影
帶笑重溫當天的故事 還是努力忘記某一段情 都是一種遺憾 遺憾 似遠猶近
我曾經為你哭 這衝動有點可笑 隨著夜行列車遠離 分秒的細節已忘掉
我只記得最好 在我心你不會變老 天氣雖然難預料 總有公路可以擁抱
掌握之外的總要放棄 想要說聲保重卻來不及 你的嘆息在失散後 仍在耳際
你可曾為我哭 這奢望有點可笑 越過麥田飛過了夜空 還惦記誰的微笑
不再見面也好 但這一切你可知道 我應該笑著回憶 你讓這一生不再枯燥
畢竟天氣還算好 下一站永不會知道

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