Already asked for R2's advice on my action plans. Seemingly target 2 is not feasible. Probably target 1 will be the first thing I want to do right away next year. I admit that both targets are not for my best interest and they show that I do not treat my life seriously. But I need some time to take a rest, it is no better than doing so for the sake of my tired body.
Everyone knows that I escaped from HK and came here. But now, I want to escape from here again. Where else I can go? Nowhere. Coz I'm just escaping from my own life.
Those toys are scattered around. No order. Who is going to pick them up?
Just now had a small accident on the way back from church. A car hit Bob and my leg from our back. I escaped from the screaming old lady and went back home. So numb I am. I forgot what was in my mind at that time, at least no shinning tunnel no passed away family members.
I think I should make a wish, wish myself all the best.
感情難免會碰到困難 過程難免有一些傷感 回頭想來才會蕩氣迴腸
出口的路不一定平坦 白日的天不一定晴朗 淚水就是浮起來的力量
受過挫敗 才能成為一條好漢
一聲不吭 告訴世界你有多堅強


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