Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Leaving is for coming back

I'd never forget the rain on that day, when I was carrying over 46kg on the road, by myself. I was all wet, could not recognize the foreign languages on the road. The map on my hand was fading out before I got to my destination. Where is my destination? I thought...It was a cold night and I could only see some familiar 'faces' on the computer screen at the lobby of the hotel.

Today is again a rainny day, which recalls my memory 2 years ago. I am not going to think about what made me have such a strength to carry an overloaded luggage anymore. There is no way to go back and I am not going to do so even if there is one, until I feel tired.

If leaving is for coming back, then we will go back to where we departed when we feel tired. But
when should I leave, or when should I come back, we would never know. From where I am departing and to where I am arriving, I would never know.

There is no journey without a return ticket.

明天就要飛走 朋友都輕鬆奉上祝福 旅途愉快
留低是個選擇 離開亦未算放開一切壓抑 如愛上一個人一起上路 才驟覺尚有一些心野
行程未想好 起點經已太遠

人進進出出在我生命 季節更改幻變天地歲月流過 
遺憾若是放不下 仍可學習去感激得到過的 如放棄一個人孤身上路 才驟覺尚有一些心軟
忙著讓傷口盡快風乾 沿路風光沒心機細看
明明是太軟弱 偏裝作硬朗

從機艙機望向跑道 迅速身處萬尺高空 我留下你 
城市跟天空大概一樣 容納著敵友從不知道偏心 曾遇上幾個人一心靠近 才驟覺尚有一些心癮 離別再上路 不管遠或近

倘若結束為了重新開始 乾掉了酒為了重新斟滿 
旅途落泊能讓記憶穩固 偶然下雨懷念陽光可愛 
歡樂太短為了回憶千次 失掉瑰寶為了尋找安慰 
我離別你全為太專心愛 怕忘掉了世間的色彩 

離開 是為了回來 

明天就要飛走 朋友都輕鬆奉上祝福 旅途愉快

Leaving is for coming back Posted by Picasa

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