Because the our-families-are-in-trouble spin is destroying our confidence that we can have decent families. We are letting myths destroy hope. When I talk to young adults in their twenties, it's amazing how many of them are scared of starting a family. It's not just those who had a bad experience with the shellfish. A remarkable proportion of those who don't wan to have children are educated, soon to be successful, and their own parents are still married. They hear the doomsday reportage and they believe it. "We bring another child into this world?" they ask.
Instead, they declare that their friends are their family. By this they really mean that their friends are their extended family. As everyone knows, having family a mile away is a lot different from having them in the next room...
Or maybe curdles is a better word for what happens, The great thing about friendship is its fluidity and non-exclusiveness. You can float among your friends as you see fit, and you can always be supportive. When you move in together there's a tendency to be more demanding and to start controlling each other...
Should we all rush to create families? Please, no! But we shouldn't be so terrified of making that leap. It's easy to all into the trap of wondering if we're fully ready. most changes in life happen without waiting for anyone to be ready. Life is asking us to rise to the occasion.
That's very true.
Some people are afraid of commitment because of nothing. Some people think they aren't ready/ can't do good. Yet, none of us are born to be a good bf/gf/husband/wife/father/mother/son/daughter.

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