Sunday, June 17, 2007

I wanted to complain...

This is the swimming I usually go.

Except for some mutants pork-like uncles who are always competitive and think they are Olympics swimmers (whom by no means to compete at all), it's a bizarre if you have a chance to take a look at the male locker room.

Two things happened today:

1. the queue for shower ahead of me were all GIRLS.
2. a girl as tall as my shoulder, whom I think she should be at least 11 or 12, were changing next to me, while she watched me stripped without blinking her eyes, even though stared at her with an annoyed face.

I really can't understand why Japanese bring their daughters to male locker room even though I believe those girls are no longer babies and can look after themselves by going to female locker room by their own.

Yes, I'm shy to be looked at by girls who almost reach their puberty, or seeing girls running around, looking at you when you pull your pants; while for their own sake, you can't guarantee that there won't be any psycho around who might harass your daughters.

Swimming pool isn't an appropriate place for live sex education, not to mention locker room is not really a public place. I don't care what you do to your daughters at home but please, BE CONSIDERATE AND PROTECT YOUR KIDS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe it's better for you to think in this way: at least you're still attractive enough to be their target for "sexual harassment". haha... I don't think they'd stare at oji-san, rite? haha...