Monday, June 18, 2007

Sweet Sweet Sweet x 3

When USS sent me one of his songs, I told USS that I'm sure I can sing better than that guy. However, after I got the whole album, I find that I can never sing those songs as sweet as he did. His lyrics are very normal but just sweet as sticky honey.

歲月擁抱著飛逝 保管你天真看幾米
仍流浪法國買東西 還未到老死未厭世
當八十七歲沒關係 都可聽嘻哈聽一世
誰人話老了要深閨 年邁色衰仍可交際

歲月擁抱著飛逝 多一歲都不要荒廢 
人難道與你養烏龜 平靜到故居為獻世 
當八十七歲沒關係 可跟你飛車再踩掣 
浮華大世界放不低 來日即使回歸上帝 死都抵

What's sweeter than feeding a turtle with your beloved one, when you are 87? (If I can live that long)

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