Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gingy & Pinnochio

Funny, funny, haha. I was like Lord Farquaad who ordered to capture Gingy and Pinnochio and now I have them on hand. Of course I am not going to cut down Gingy's legs, don't worry.

Nice toys. But they are speaking in Japanese, I don't know what they are yelling. Anyway thanks Eunice for getting me these. You are rewarded.

Meant to get one more Gingy for USS but they are out of stock and now Dragon Balls' characters come with Mac's happy meals. I don't think USS would like to any of them...sorry.


P. Birdie said...

Gingy is really sooo cute! And that's why it's out of stock!! I'll try to steal yours when I got the chance...

Don't get me Dragon Balls' characters... No, thanks...

Monitress said...
