Camarel Macchiato tasted like the same. At least there's something which comforts me as if time hasn't passed at all. But time does pass.
Except for parallel lines, there should be only one single intersection for every two straight lines at the time when they step into each other's life. Perhaps our lives aren't parallel to each other, at least we met once. But now, time curves and we are goint to meet again. How many 'again' are there in our lives?
任我想我最多想一覺睡去 期待你也至少勸我別勞累
但我把談情的氣力轉贈誰 跟你電話之中講再會 再會誰
暴雨天 我至少想講掛念你 然後你 你最多會笑著迴避
避到底 明明不筋竭都力疲 就當我還未放鬆自己
我怕死你可不可以暫時別要睡 陪著我讓我可以不靠安眠藥進睡
我的天 你可不可以暫時讓我睡 忘掉愛尚有多少工作失眠亦有罪
離開 不應再打攪愛人

Caramel Macchiato at WTC

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