Arrived at the airport at around 8pm. Arrived at the other airport at around 1:30am. It is the second latest flight that I’ve ever taken. Shocked that McDonald’s was closed, all restaurants were closing, all shops were closing, except Tully’s. Sitting there I could a bird view of the whole airport. Terminal 1 is so small indeed. Almost all check-in counters were closed, light off and it seemed that the whole airport was barely operating because of this unexpected late flight. The runway was so dark that through the window I could only see myself in dark. Just some direction lights were shinning like stars on my face.
Home to home it took me 11 hours. Such a long way it makes me realize that the distance of dream from reality is so far away, much farther than I can ever imagine.
When I was about to sleep, I felt like I was about to wake up, from a life-long dream. Everything is still.
I think I am still functioning.
如果將街燈的光線代表真愛 或者熄燈了會更發現你存在
如果日落西山燈光普照麻木了 蒙住這雙眼令黑夜再來

Narita Terminal 1
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